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XJ IC Card Power
Vending System |
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the development of computer technique and
electronic information the prepayment meter
has been fully recognized by the power
company. The IC card power vending system is
combination of meter and intelligent IC card
by bringing IC card technique into power
charge management, changing the passive charge
into voluntary payment, resolving the
difficulty of toll collection, meanwhile the
information of total energy and purchasing
energy is carried to the IC card power vending
system by IC card avoiding the cost of
manpower and the onerous works with high
accuracy and high reliability. Convenient
inquiry system to help the customer to
acquire relative information, statistic data
report contribute to enhance the efficiency of
the power company. The vending system is ideal
scheme for renovation for power using
mechanism, to realize the power
commercialized, resolving the difficult of
meter reading and toll collection, avoiding
the internal person malpractice, balancing the
load of power distribution.
Main features
management of parameters
fault tolerance of parameters
function of meter self-checking
business of opening account, power vending, IC
card mending, credit withdrawing, IC card
replacing, account writing off
meter with one IC card
inquiry and report of power vending
Easy operation with facilitate friendly
operation windows
The automatic data backup
The internal encrypted arithmetic (MD5) with
high reliability and security |
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